Happy Holidays to all Earth Scout Groups & Families
It has been an exciting year for the Earth Scouts with the launch of the new Earth Scouts Network. We have been working hard to help everyone orientate to the new network and all of the great features that help facilitate and support Earth Scouts everywhere.
This holiday season the Earth Scouts are invited to attend the online holiday debut of storyteller Jayátu - A Tale Feather of the Golden Eagle.
Jayátu has performed children's stories all over the country and SeThInk Media, one of the fiscal sponsors of this network, has launched an online web portal where families can now have access to the magic of Jayátu's stories.
This holiday story will be in video format on a private viewer and will go live on December 21st and be available for viewing and sharing through January 6th. Attendees will also be gifted an unpublished story 'A Tree in the Forest' audio download. You must sign up for this event to receive the link and gift.
The story is called 'The Big Jump' - you can click here to read a summary.
I remember when I was a child my grandpa used to tell stories at every Christmas gathering and as I grew up those stories took on new and deeper meanings. We hope this holiday season you can all spend time sharing your own stories with the young one's around you!